GQ Drone Services provides aerial construction photos for creating orthomosaic maps (data capture and processing). We can process aerial photos to make Dsm’s and Dtm’s (Digital Surface Models) & (Digital Terrain Models) for your projects. By capturing aerial data for your construction projects you can also use this data for a range of applications including, topographic maps, contour lines and even 3d maps with the intergration of the Dtm’s.
Orthomosaic Maps
Following Images are updates to a project
Orthomosaic Maps are Georeferenced and are orthorectified. These maps are great for checking project status and when combined with DSM’s you can make volume and area measurements with ease and track stockpiles. The Above picture’s shows a steady progress of a project.
Colored DSM's & DTM's
Colored DSM’s help understand where the highest and lowest elevation areas are on a map.
They can be used to determine if a project is going according to plan or if there has been an issue found. DSM’s are files that include the unmodified parts, like Trees, buildings, fences etc. Colored DTM’s on the other hand are a modified version of DSM files. A DTM file will just have the digital surface of the terrain captured, displaying only the necessary topographical information, just the terrain. DTM files are a huge deal for construction, surveyors and clients use these files to view a projects land digitally. These files can even be used to create potential changes to land digitally, they can be examined and tested before final (real life) execution.
Download Full Map (Sample)
See for yourself, High quality Maps with no data corruption in-between the map.